My Birth story :)
530am - RaeAnne woke us up with her crying. Put her on our bed, gave her water and she fell asleep again feeling my tummy but woke up shortly after.
600am - Buay tahan cos difficult for me to lie on my right cos she's lying on my right side and insist on feeling my exposed tummy. Asked hubby to make milk for her cos she might be hungry. She finally knocked out after her milk feed.
630am - Tried to go back to sleep but started having cramps that extended to my back. Similar to the false alarm on 1 Dec early morning where the pain lasted for 1 hr plus then disappeared.:P
700 - 800am - Started timing the contractions and they seem to start from 20min aparts to 10-15 mins apart.
800am - Told hubby to get ready then wake up RaeAnne and bring her to ILs place cos this may be it. Hubby didn't ask maid to go over with him cos he said he wanted her to help carry things to the car.
800 - 830am - Contractions started to drag in duration. Instead of every 10 mins, seemed to go back to 15-20 mins. Stomachache and want to poo too. Wondered if it's a false alarm so called the clinic. They said to go down for a check.
830 - 845am - Had shower, washed hair twice and
850am - Got maid to walk over to Ils place with her barang barang.
850am - 910am - Took 1 bottle of chicken essence and a muffin for breakfast. Told hubby rather go later then get caught in morning rush hour traffic at Thomson. :P
915am - Finally left the house, had to walk very slowly as contractions was almost every 5 mins.
940am - Finally reached ACJ clinic but was told to go to toilet first before getting strapped to CTG machine cos once strapped, cannot move for 20 mins.
945 - 955am - Waited long time to go toilet cos long queue. Scared a few patients with my moaning while waiting I think. :P
10am - 1045am - Strapped to CTG machine, contractions confirmed every 5 mins and intensity started from 40+ to 80+. Waited impatiently for Dr Wong to assess me cos I was having a lot of pain every 5 mins and getting no pain relief at all! :( Started to think that I'll definitely take epi after all. The pain is unbearable.
1050am - Dr Wong finally came in between patients. I was already 4cm dilated. She said I'll definitely give birth today and it'll take another 6 hours before I'll be ready for delivery. 6 more hours of pain and she said the intensity will reach 160+, double what I'm experiencing. Decided on epi cos I don't think I can't bear it.
11am - Transferred to Delivery suite on wheelchair by the clinic staff. Felt a bit paiseh by the curious looks by the clinic patients but was in too much pain to care about image liao.
11am - 1130am - Given fleet to help poo out but the pain was so intense that I didn't manage to wait long enough for the fleet to soften the stools.
Was in so much pain in the toilet due to contraction pains while hubby went to do admission procedures.
1130am - 1145am - He was given a queue number and they don't have single bed wards. He told them will upgrade to Single premier for 1 night then. ($158 more per night)
1145am - 1220am - Continued to pester the nurse for the anaesthesist. Was told it's peak hour due to lunch time cos a lot of procedures going on. Pain was so bad that i was trembling at each contraction. Sigh.
1230am - Dr Lim (anaesthesist, my first saviour) finally came to the rescue. Had to try very hard to hold myself still for him to administer the epi cos I was shaking so bad and BP was also high by then. The nurse and Dr Lim asked me why I didn't come to the hospital earlier. Told them I was here since 9+am. :P
1230 - 1250pm - Waited for epi to take effect. Pain was still as bad. Told him about my bad experience at KK for the patient controlled device for epi and he said he will make it as pain free for me as possible.
1250pm - 2pm - Pain was finally over and I could joke with Dr Lim who came back to see if I needed any top ups.
2pm - Needed a top up cos pain was bad. Dr Wong came finally and checked, I was already 8cm dilated. Dr Lim topped up by another 10ml but it takes time for the extra epi to work and pain intensity upped again while waiting.
2pm - 225pm - Dr Lim was nice and allowed the nurse to add another 10ml again. Finally could talk instead of moaning again. A nurse came to check, I was close to 10cm dilated. Was finally moved to Labour Ward.
230pm - Dr Wong came to check again. She said I'm already 10cm but baby's head is still high. Pain was unbearable again. Dr Lim upped my epi again. Dr Wong told me that if the epi is working. We will wait until 330pm before starting to push since I had to push 2 hrs for RaeAnne and that led to a slow post delivery recovery. Negotiated for her to make it 315pm so that I won't be left stranded again cos it takes a long time for her to come back.
245pm - 3pm - Extra doses of epi finally kicked in, no more pain though I was much number including my hands. But I had no pain and kept wanting to fall asleep.
3pm - Dr Lim came to check on me one last time and told me that he's going home to walk the dog and if I need any top ups. But also warned me that too much top up may cause me to be breathless. Decided to take the chance since only 15 more mins to tahan till pushing time so told him no need any top up.
3 - 315pm - There was an irritating alarm that keeps sounding. Stopping me from napping. Called the nurse, she came in and explained that it's the baby warmer giving the alarm. Got her to check before she left the room and she said bb's head is low enough. Asked me if I can feel pressure below. I said got a bit cos I'm quite numb already. She said I can try pushing if I want to.
315pm - 330pm - She set up the stirrups and I started pushing with hubby supporting my neck, timing it with the contractions. Didn't feel much pain and my hands were numb. Did about 3-4 rounds of pushing.
330 - 340pm - Clarified with nurse then realised I was supposed to hold my tummy in then push with all my might. Started to push better after that though my blocked nose was a hindrance when I'm supposed to be taking deep breaths. Did another 3 rounds of pushing (3 deep breathes each time)
340pm - She said I was pushing well so took a break while she called Dr Wong to come and break the water bag and continue. She said bb's head lower already ie. can see her hair when I was pushing. I'm surprised that at 10cm dilated, waterbag still did not burst. Whereas for RaeAnne, it broke even when I was only 2cm dilated.
340pm - 350pm - Dr Wong broke my water bag, no pain cos got epi. She was reassuring and we continued the pushing.
351pm - Just another 3-4 pushes and baby was out at 1551hr. I was surprised that she came out so fast. Dr Wong had to call me twice before I realised she was asking me to see the baby's face as she came out. Definitely more pain free and less pushing compared to RaeAnne. :)
351pm - 400pm - Dr Wong placed Raelynn on my chest while she got hubby to cut the umblical cord. Then, she continued to stitch me up while Raelynn was put on the warmer.
4pm - They brought Raelynn out to weigh and measure her. She was 3.355kg, 100g more than Cheh cheh. HC 34cm and length 49cm - same as Cheh Cheh.
415pm - Hubby got a call then there's a single bed now available at level 6, rm617. So he decided to take it. Took a family photo with Raelynn then let her latch on for 5mins. But was so groggy and sleepy liao, all energy spent.
4+pm - Had to transfer then hubby and nurse pushed up my bed to rm617 with Raelynn.
Wah, needed so many top ups of epi, must be very painful for you hor. Can't imagine how much pain you have to endure cos when the epi was finally administered, you were already 8cm, gosh!!!
Well done, mummy, so proud of you :-)
Pauline, Congrats!!! Raelynn is so pretty! Enjoyed reading your labour story, enjoy ur confinement and jiayou in bf!
Thanks, Kam and Tongtong. Kam, yes I was 8cm dilated at 2pm. 1230pm when epi when administered don't know how many cm dilated cos Dr Wong hadn't come to check yet. :P
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