We didn't get to bring Raelynn to the Flyer before she turned 3 when it was still free entry for her. Tickets are $33 for adult, $24 for senior citizen, $21 for child above 3 yrs old. Not cheap. So when our nearest CC organised the trip at discounted flat rate of $21 per pax including two way transport, I grabbed the chance since both Raelynn and my mum have never been there. Hubby couldn't make it cos he had Parents Meet Teachers session whole day.
The bus picked us up at 3pm and brought us to the Flyer at 340pm. It dawned on me that the last time we were there was 5 years ago. RaeAnne's maiden 'flight' was in Dec 08 when she was 11 mths old. That was also the year that the flyer first opened for business. Seemed like so long ago. And the flyer definitely looks different. We had time to walk around though it is very warm today, the gals fed the fishes at the new walk-through garden with mini waterfalls. alfresco asian street fare with lots of hawker stalls. There is aslo exhibition area before reaching the departure point but the kids were not really keen.
The highlight of the day for them was definitely a ride on the Ferris Wheel, as Raelynn calls it. Ah Mah was a bit nervous entering the capsule that kept on moving but once we entered the capsule, everyone except RaeAnne relaxed cos it was so slow moving. Raelynn had no fear at all and ran from point to point.
RaeAnne, however, sat glued to the bench refusing to move. I had to pull her up, hold her hand and walked her to the other bench with a better view. Then she realised that it is not so scary. She and Raelynn had fun walking around and climbing on the side rails, taking silly photos of each other and everyone else, even taking their shoes off at times. Embarrassing moments, luckily there was only 1 chinese family of 3 and a family of 3 caucasian tourists in the same capsule as us.
The ride ended at 5.15pm, we went to the gift shop. RaeAnne was pestering me to buy snacks and sweets. But I refused to buy Hello panda or sweets at super inflated prices. Though I did pay for 6 flyer photos at super inflated prices $60. But my logic is at least those can't be bought at NTUC and most importantly, everyone is in the shot and looking at the camera, plus there are 6 different backgrounds and I get the soft copies too. 6 photos divide by 3 households means 2 photos each. Not so bad right? haha.
We walked around and went to the fish pond one more time before we took the bus back at 6pm. Reached CC at 630pm. The gals were tired out esp RA who dozed off for 5-10 mins on the bus ride back. I think it will probably be a long time before we go to the flyer again. Another 5 years? Haha.